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Free Class: Civil Resistance Struggles: How Ordinary People Win Rights, Freedom, and Justice

This is a participant led course designed by the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict in Washington, D.C. The ICNC is an amazing resource for activists who want to study nonviolent civil resistance, both as a concept and as a tool for social change. 

One of the best things about ICNC courses is the exposure you get, and the connections you make with activists around the world. The agency's last public course—People Power: The Study of Nonviolent Strategic Resistance—connected 60 students from 29 countries, most of whom were actively engaged in nonviolent civil resistance movements. 

Among other activities planned for the course, participants will “study scheduled modules of selected readings, videos, and pre-recorded experts and practitioners’ input on key aspects of nonviolent resistance campaigns and movements.”

The online class is limited to 50 participants, and the deadline is Feb. 4, so apply here ASAP! 

*Note: ICNC's People Power course is offered annually, in conjunction with the Rutgers International Institute for Peace. 

